USB Testing

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Published on 23 Jun 2020 - Updated on 05 Dec 2020
Document Category Item
Functional USB Check that each USB port can detect a keyboard or mouse in USB1
Functional USB Check that each USB port can detect a mass storage in USB2
Functional USB Check that each USB port can detect a mass storage in USB3
Functional USB Check that each USB port can switch between all different USB speeds
Functional USB Check USB2 performance using mass storage
Functional USB Check USB3 performance using mass storage
Functional USB If USB fault signal exists, it is functional
Power USB Check that USB port can support a 1A current using a resistive load
Power USB Check USB OCP level trigger using a variable resistive load
Power USB Check that USB port shortcut does not trigger any other OCP on board and that port recovers its functionality after
Power USB Check USB voltage value without load at connector (Vmin=4.75V, Vmax=5.25V)
Power USB Check USB voltage value with 1A load at connector (Vmin=4.75V, Vmax=5.25V)
Power USB Check that difference with and without load is <0.35V
Power USB Do USB DROOP test, check that Vbus is always greater than 4.4V
Hardware USB USB 1.1 Low speed test signal integrity
Hardware USB USB 1.1 Full Speed Test signal integrity
Hardware USB USB 2.0 High Speed Test signal integrity
Hardware USB USB Chirp signal integrity
Hardware USB USB 3.0 TX
Hardware USB USB 3.0 RX
Hardware USB USB 3.0 IF compatibility