Power inductors
Reading time : 1 minute
Published on 19 Jun 2020 - Updated on 05 Dec 2020
Core material
Recommended core material depends on switching frequency
- < 100 kHz : Iron powder, ferrite, Superflux
- between 100 kHz and 1 MHz : Ferrite, Superflux
- > 1 MHz : Ferrite
Inductance value
- Higher inductance value = smaller ripple current
- Lower inductance = higher ripple current
Rule of thumb formula
Step down converter
$$ L=\frac {(U_{inmax}-U_{out})*(U_{out})} {U_{inmax} \times 0.3 \times I_{out} \times f} $$Step up converter
$$ L=\frac {(U_{out}-U_{inmin}) \times {U_{in}}^2} {2 \times 0.2 \times I_{out} \times {U_{out}}^2} $$Inductance current rating
Maximum current can be replaced by saturation current.
Step down converter inductor
Nominal current : $$ I_n=I_{out} $$
Maximum current : $$ I_{max}=1.5 \times I_n $$
Step up converter inductor
Nominal current : $$ I_n=\frac {U_{out}} {U_{in}} \times I_{out} $$
Maximum current : $$ I_{max}=2 \times I_n $$
Inductor DC resistance
For a same inductor package size :
- Higher inductance means higher DC resistance
- Lower inductance means lower DC resistance
- Shielded inductors have a lower DC resistance at same size
To reduce EMC, use magnetically shielded power inductors.
Do not route any conductor tracks under the inductor.
Inductors packages can be changed from shielded to unshielded while maintaining solder pad compatibility.